A SECOND young man has admitted being involved in a violent Penrith attack which left the victim with multiple injuries.

Earlier this month, 19-year-old Reece Troy pleaded guilty to causing grievous bodily harm following an incident outside The Pinny pub, in Burrowgate, on October 1 last year.

This resulted in the victim sustaining cuts and bruises to his head and face.

As Troy, of Eamont Mews, Penrith, was brought through the court system, a second man was charged in connection with that serious assault.

At Carlisle Crown Court today (Wednesday), Callum Russell, aged 22, of Woodland Close, Hackthorpe, near Penrith, also admitted causing the man grievous bodily harm.

Both Russell and, previously, Troy had earlier faced the more serious allegation of causing grievous bodily harm with intent. However, the prosecution accepted the men’s guilty pleas to the lesser charge.

Russell’s case was adjourned this morning for the preparation of a probation service pre-sentence report. He is due to receive his punishment at the crown court on July 24, and has been granted unconditional bail in the meantime.

Troy is due be dealt with by a judge on an earlier date: Friday, July 5.

He will be sentenced for the October 1 attack, and also a second, separate violent assault. This had occurred in Penrith on November 24 at the rear of the Devonshire Shopping Arcade, and resulted in a man suffering a fractured eye socket, cuts and bruises.

Troy is remanded in custody ahead of next week’s sentencing hearing.

As police previously announced that Troy had been charged in connection with both attacks, Detective Sergeant James Aiston said: “Allegations of violent attacks such as these are treated extremely seriously and investigated thoroughly.”

The detective added: “We will continue to work hard to keep Penrith and the rest of the county a safe place for all but we need the public’s help and support to do so.”