A Cumbrian man has marked an incredible 25 years working with Carlisle Brass. 

Phil Logan, a technical and specification coordinator, was born in Alston in 1972, before moving to Carlisle at the age of 18. 

He started working with Carlisle Brass, the UK's largest specialised developer of door and window furniture, in 1999 and earlier this month, he marked a quarter of a century with the Parkhouse Road business

He said: "I first heard of Carlisle Brass via a guy who I’d previously worked with at County Garage. I was by then working at Directory Enquiries, he rang me up to say there was a job going with CB in their sales office and would I be interested?

"I said yes, and came for an interview on the Monday morning. I was then offered the job the same day, and started the following week.

"The first day was a bit of a whirlwind - the usual stuff of meeting everyone, going through basic product training etc."

Working at Carlisle Brass has opened the door to lots of opportunities for Phil, including an incredible trip to Las Vegas as part of a trade show. 

Phil added: "The last 25 years have just seem to have flown. Like every other job, there’s been good and bad times but the good times have far out weighed the bad. I've worked with some truly fantastic people."

Last week saw Phil honoured by his colleagues in the office, earning some cakes, donations and a voucher which will go towards a long weekend away with his wife.

He said: "My colleagues laid on a fantastic buffet at work. I’m a big fan of a custard cream so one of my colleagues had baked me a super-sized custard cream biscuit and another had made a fantastic sponge cake, which was topped with custard creams.

"They also had a collection for me, which will shortly be getting spent at the Carlisle United shop!"

Carlisle Brass said: "An amazing milestone, Phil. We thank you for all the work that's been put in over the last quarter of a century!"