Another of Labour’s big guns was in Carlisle this week to back their parliamentary candidate.

Anneliese Dodds, shadow secretary of state for women and equalities, and party chair, met with Julie Minns, which follows visits from Labour’s deputy leader Angela Rayner, shadow energy secretary Ed Miliband, shadow attorney general Emily Thornberry and shadow environment secretary Steve Reed.

Ms Dodds said: “Julie has had a great record of campaigning for local people such as protecting the city's Victorian Turkish Baths.

“She understands the challenges local people face - she is a carer herself - I know she would be the strong voice for people in Carlisle and its rural areas."

Ms Minns said she was delighted with the boost the visit had given everyone with just a week until election day.

"Anneliese knows what it is like in Carlisle - that nothing has got better over the last 14 years and people really do want and need change.”

The other candidates standing in the Carlisle constituency are:

John Stevenson - Conservative
Gavin Hawkton - Green Party
Brian Wernham - Liberal Democrats
Stephen Ward - Reform
Rachel Hayton - SDP
Thomas Lynestrider - Independent
Sean Reed - Independent