A Cumbrian charity which has been advertising a car wash as a way of raising crucial funds, has been forced to remove its sign by the council following a complaint. 

Maryport Rescue, the independent lifeboat flood, swift water, search and rescue service, has been running a charity car wash in recent years to help raise money. 

A sign for the car wash, which runs between March and October, was stationed at the entrance to Glasson industrial estate and from Netherhall corner.

However, after a complaint was made to Cumberland Council, Maryport Rescue have now been forced to remove the sign. 

A spokesperson for Maryport Rescue said: "We received an email from the council, stating that we had to remove our car wash signs from the entrance to Glasson industrial estate and from Netherhall corner, following a complaint received by the council from persons unknown. 

"We have complied with their request and removed the boards. These boards have been advertising our car wash from March to October for over two years and were removed at the end of the said period."

The sign that was removedThe sign that was removed (Image: Supplied)

A message from Cumberland Council had suggested that 'the advertisements are unauthorised and unlikely to be granted permission in their current location at Netherhall corner being within the conservation area and at Glasson industrial estate being a busy junction.'

The monthly car wash will still go ahead on the first Sunday of each month, from 10am until 4pm.