A THIEF stole a £30 vape tester kit to pay a drug debt, a court heard.

Wayne Elliott, 46, went to the VPZ vape shop in Whitehaven on the afternoon of January 9 and told the shop keeper that he wanted to exchange his device. He appeared to be under the influence.

Pamela Fee, prosecuting at Workington Magistrates’ Court, said the defendant then walked over to the tester aisles before being served by the shopkeeper. He then left the store. The shopkeeper then noticed there was a vape tester kit missing.

Elliott was later interviewed by police and admitted the offence.

Mike Pope, defending, said: “There’s nothing aggravating about the offence. He was halfway through a drug rehabilitation requirement. He was living in a hostel in Workington and fell into the wrong crowd.

“It was a theft to fund a drug debt. He now rents his own place. He’s doing really well. He returned to the shop to make payment but they refused, quite rightly.”

Elliott, of William Morris Avenue, Cleator Moor, pleaded guilty to theft from a shop.

Magistrates fined him £120 and ordered him to pay £30 in compensation to VPZ vape shop. He must also pay £85 costs and a £48 victim surcharge.