A GROUP of staff at Castles & Coasts Housing Association (CCHA) have completed a charity walk. 

21 colleagues completed a walk up Haystacks in the Lake District covering a distance of 9.5 miles, which is one of the most well-known Wainwrights. 

The walk has raised £4,146 for one of CCHA’s nominated charities, the Great North Air Ambulance Service (GNAAS).

Each year, CCHA gifts one day per year to colleagues to take part in organised charity and volunteering events, including this sponsored walk.

Adam Gould, joint chair of CCHA’s charity and volunteering committee (CVC), said: “I’m so pleased that we’ve raised a phenomenal amount for this amazing life-saving charity. A huge thank you to each and every person that’s donated.”

GNAAS is not NHS-funded and costing £23,200 per day to operate, relies completely on donations. Last year the GNAAS was called out 2,216 times. 

Natasha Banks, specialist fundraiser at GNAAS, said: “Thank you so much for supporting us and organising this event. It really does mean so much to us.”