A BENEFIT fraudster who committed a £32,000 fiddle is on track to complete repayment of his illegal earnings in the year 2037, a court heard.

Stuart Michael Watson, 44, was backed by impressive references from family, friends and his place of work as he faced the music for offending which occurred between 2014 and 2022.

In September of 2014, Watson completed a claim for housing benefit. He declared that he had no income, lived at a Carlisle address on his own and had £270 in a building society account.

Prosecutor Peter Wilson told Carlisle Crown Court: “Housing benefit was paid on the basis that he would notify the local authority of any chance in circumstances which would affect the amount that he was entitled to.

“He therefore dishonestly failed to declare a change of circumstances in relation to him starting work; therefore he was not entitled over an eight-year period to £32,175.32.”

Watson, now of Currock Road, Carlisle, admitted a charge of failing to declare a change of circumstances between November of 2014 and October, 2022.

The court heard a £200-a-month repayment plan had been put in place which was presently due to be completed in 2037.

Defence lawyer Marion Weir, mitigating, confirmed Watson had no previous convictions and had been a man of positive good character.

A host of glowing references had been provided in support of Watson, who had adopted a 'head in the sand' approach to the unlawful benefit overpayments.

“It became easier to maintain the status quo than deal with issues,” said Ms Weir.

“This is a man who has proved to be a helpful, supportive, kind and productive member of society.

“He accepts by his guilty plea he has committed this offence and falls to be sentenced. He accepts it is serious and aggravated by the period of time over which it has taken place.”

Recorder Julian Shaw imposed an 18-month community order. Watson must complete 120 hours’ unpaid work and a four-month electronically monitored night time curfew which will allow him to carry out duties as a community centre manager.

“References from friends, your fiancée, your family, the people who employ you, work alongside you, do demonstrate the very different Stuart Watson from the one who is standing in the crown court dock requiring sentencing by me today,” the judge told him.