Two mountain rescue volunteers will embark on Europe's longest ultra cycling challenge, aiming to raise more than £4,000 for Penrith Mountain Rescue Team.

Ceri and James Bicknell will tackle the North Cape 4000, which begins near Verona in Italy's Trentino region on Saturday, July 20.

They will have a maximum of 21 days to pass through seven countries, before reaching the end goal inside the Arctic Circle at North Cape on the northern tip of Norway.

"We like to challenge ourselves; we always need to have a crazy adventure booked in the diary," Ms Bicknell said.

"This one is double the distance of any of the other endurance events that we’ve done: these include the Panceltic, Great British Divide, and, in April of this year, BikingMan Sri Lanka."

The pair are travelling lightly with items including a tent, sleeping bags, weather-appropriate clothes, a spare cycling outfit and some bike tools.

Ms Bicknell said: “Despite it seeming a daunting adventure, it’s also exciting to think we’ll be riding our bikes over mountain passes, alongside lakes, through big cities and past vast Scandinavian forests.

"The scenery will alter so much and we’ll meet many different people - on the event and as we travel through communities. Hopefully it will be an incredible journey that we can share.”

Mr Bicknell decided to add a further challenge to the ride by choosing to cycle on a heavy Cargo bike with a front trailer.

"We’re expecting the bike to create a lot of interest," Ms Bicknell said.

"At 22kg, it weighs over twice that of my standard bike and will then have the 10kg of luggage as well.

"Quite probably no-one has raced a Cargo bike on the event before and we may be about to find out why!”

Having been Mountain Rescue team members since 2017, the pair is determined to raise funds for the Penrith Mountain Rescue Team.

They hope to raise the same sum in fundraising, £4,140, as the distance they intend to cover on the ride.

“Mountain rescue teams rely on voluntary donations and fundraising initiatives,” said Ms Bicknell.

"This is such a challenge for us and we’re hoping that we can work with team members back home in Penrith to raise awareness on social media and, we hope, raise significant funds too."

To show support for the pair, go to: