A CATHOLIC high school has been rated ‘good’ with outstanding features in a report by the Catholic Schools Inspectorate.

St Benedict’s Catholic High School in Whitehaven has been praised for its leadership of Catholic mission, excellent behaviour, and pastoral care which puts the most vulnerable at the heart of the school’s work.

Following a Section 48 inspection, St Benedict’s was found to be a ‘good’ school overall, with the life and mission of the school  judged as ‘outstanding’ along with some elements of collective worship.  

The inspections are carried out in Catholic schools to evaluate their Catholic life, quality of Religious Education, and collective worship.

The report says: “The headteacher, leaders and governors are committed to the Catholic mission and have reinvigorated it with resilience and enthusiasm.

“A number attended the school themselves or have children at the school, so they reach out to parents very naturally.

“Links with the local church are very strong, and benefit from the generous support of priests who support the school’s sacramental life as much as they can.

“The Word of God and Benedictine values permeate school life. The staff enthusiastically embrace this – thanks to engaging professional development – and actively live it out.

“Pastoral care and the ministry to the most vulnerable is exemplary and this is recognised and embraced by the wider community.

“A culture of responsibility is genuinely embraced by the students, who feel cared for and value their place in the school.

“God’s love of all and the uniqueness of each is well grasped and shows in generally excellent behaviour.”

Headteacher Emma Jackson said: “We are delighted with our latest inspection report. We have already considered the recommendations made in the report and will continue to work to the highest standards.

“I would like to take this opportunity to thank staff, parents and governors. All of whom made a positive contribution to the inspection. My biggest thanks goes to our students who were incredible and did us all proud.”