As part of our Meet the Chef series, we're talking to some of Cumbria's finest about their lives in and out of the kitchen. This week, we talk to Mark McCabe, head chef at Henrock

What is your current role and what does it involve?
I’ve recently taken over as head chef at Simon Rogan’s Henrock restaurant within Linthwaite House Hotel, so it’s my job to help create the dishes on the menu and make sure that we deliver them to the guest perfectly each time.
How long have you been a chef? 
I’ve been cooking full time for 10 years now but before that I worked on and off across all aspects of hospitality. 
How did you first get into cooking?
I started to cook when I left home and went to university but it was only when I started cooking for friends and family and saw the joy food can bring that I started to really get into it.
Where did you learn your craft?
I had a very random route into the kitchen, mainly ending up doing the odd shift whilst working front of house but when I finally made the switch to cooking full time I spent two years at River Cottage and five years at The Ethicurean near Bristol.
What was your first job in hospitality?
My mum used to look after her church cafe a few days a week so my first hospitality job was probably helping out there when I was about 14 or 15.

(Image: Cris Barnett)
What is your signature dish?
I like cooking with what is available to me seasonally and in the locale of the restaurant so I tend not to stick with dishes too long. I’m lucky working as part of Simon Rogan’s team that I have access to the incredible produce available on Simon Rogan’s Lake District farm ‘Our Farm’. I did develop a real love for Arctic Char a few years ago so I guess you could say that’s my signature ingredient anyway! 
What’s been your worst cooking disaster?
One of the nice things about being a chef is the ability to problem solve so it’s rare that anything is so badly ruined that it can’t be saved. If anything has gone badly wrong I’ve always been lucky enough to have colleagues cleverer than me around to make sure the guests don’t notice.
What are your culinary ambitions?
I’m very ambitious, both for myself and for Henrock, which is an amazing restaurant so I just want to keep working to make it the best it can be.

What do you like to eat?
On my days off I tend to cook veg heavy, quick dishes mainly, noodles with Asian condiments and ferments. Anything quick and healthy when I’m not at work.
How do you achieve a work/life balance?
It can be a challenge to achieve a work/life balance in our industry but fortunately, the Simon Rogan group makes this a priority. I love my job and I love working, so as long as I can sleep and eat well then I’m happy enough. Now I’ve moved to the Lake District, I have access to beautiful countryside and the chance to do lots of outdoor activities, which is a great way to switch off and relax.