A new initiative is looking for volunteers to tackle issues with speeding drivers in a north Cumbrian town. 

Brampton's community speed watch group is set to be revived this summer following discussions between a PCSO and Tom Adams, the man who previously led the group a few years ago. 

A number of people have already spoken to Mr Adams about the volume of traffic going through the town as well as the speed at which some drivers travel. 

"It's all about safety, it's about the community," said Mr Adams. 

"The likelihood is that that's going to increase more as we've got house building going to be happening, in the east and the west side of town, and also the north increase the number of households by hundreds."

Cumbria Police will be sent the licence plate number, the speed the car was travelling at, as well as a general description of the vehicle. They will then send out a warning letter after double checking the information and repeat offenders may be visited by the police.

It is hoped that the group will serve as a deterrent and will encourage drivers to be more mindful of their speeds.

This could have a positive knock-on effect for the rest of the town, according to Mr Adams. 

His thinking here lies in the Broken Window theory - if you take care of your community, problems are less likely to escalate further.

"Not only will this hopefully make the place safer, traffic travelling more slowly also has a knock on effect on things like antisocial behaviour," he said.

"The research shows that as that comes down, you get more community cohesion as well.

"Brampton's already got a great atmosphere for community, but if you introduce these things, then it increases that."

The group will be up and running towards the end of summer as volunteers need to be trained up and Cumbria Police need to complete risk assessments first. 

If you would like to get involved as a volunteer, please email tom.adams@theshire.org.uk for more information.