A SHOPKEEPER who was in possession of cannabis while on a suspended sentence order has been spared jail.

Police were on foot patrol on Peter Street in Workington on December 15 when they noticed a smell of cannabis coming from Goran Mohamadamin, 45.

Pamela Fee, prosecuting at Workington Magistrates’ Court, said the defendant attempted to walk away from officers and appeared to be under the influence.

He was searched by police and two cannabis joints were found. He was interviewed at the roadside and said the joints were for his own personal use. He said he was looking behind him to see if he was being followed.

John Cooper, defending, said: “He runs a corner shop. He works first thing in the morning until at least midnight every day.

“He and his partner have a child who was rushed to Newcastle hospital. He is the main support for that household.

“This was December last year. He tells me he’s off the cannabis. He’s been stopped once. He has learned his lesson.

“It’s relatively low cannabis possession which he has admitted straightaway.”

Mohamadamin, of Jane Street, Workington, pleaded guilty to possessing a Class B drug and being in breach of a suspended sentence order.

Magistrates decided not to activate the suspended prison sentence, instead imposing 10 hours of unpaid work.

Mohamadamin was fined £350 and ordered to pay £85 costs and a £140 victim surcharge.

An order was made for the forfeiture and destruction of the drugs.