Independent candidate Thomas Lynestrider has spoken about his experience of running in this General Election

Mr Lynestrider is one of two Independent candidates running in the Carlisle constituency this year, the other being Sean Reed. 

He has found the entire experience "less daunting" than he expected, once he had actually put himself forward he'd crossed the Rubicon and there was no going back.

"It's actually a lot less daunting than I first thought," he said.

"I thought it would be harder than it is and I remember filling in the forms in front of the civic centre here and I was still a bit nervous."

It's been a very quick turnaround for this election and caught many candidates off guard. 

But, his most memorable moment has actually been the more administrative side of things. 

Mr Lynestrider said: "I would say it was probably just having to count out all the flyers, because you have to bundle it into hundreds and then weigh it and get them into boxes and then get them labelled and off to the Royal Mail."

He's also noted the apathy among voters and recalled an encounter while out canvassing that encapsulated this sentiment.

Mr Lynestrider had asked a Labour voter if there was one person within the party who they felt like they could trust, but didn't get a name from them. 

"I didn't get a name, but I think that's how people are generally feeling in the country, just, you know, a little bit between the rock and the hard place."

The exit poll, which is predicting a Labour landslide, was of little surprise to him - in fact, he believes the Conservatives have "earned this defeat."

He added: "The Labour Party don't really know how to Labour in my book, and the Conservatives couldn't conserve jam. It's two sides of the same coin."