TRADERS at Carlisle's Market Hall have expressed hope in the city's new MP, Julie Minns, to support them through challenging circumstances.

Back in February, the traders aired their grievances relating to the management at the site.

These encompassed financial pressures, depreciating premises and what they claimed was 'non-existent' communication with the property management firm.

Top among trader worries has been a 50 per cent service charge hike which they felt threatened their ability to operate, having already witnessed traders shutting up shop as a result of it. 

Following Ms Minns' electoral victory, traders hope she will uphold her commitment to assist them.

In a statement released by the Carlisle Market Traders Association, they said: "The Market Traders association would like to congratulate Julie on her victory, and hope that she makes good on her promise to support us with our ongoing issues with the management company, as promised when she met with us last year."

Ms Minns publicly expressed support for the Market Hall in the past when administrators were appointed on-site at Wilkos.

At the time, she said: "Carlisle Market Hall has been at the heart of our city for well over a century, and we have to do everything we can to ensure it continues."

Cumberland Council has also previously expressed its commitment to supporting the survival of the historic site, by liaising between traders and the property management firm, Ryden, going forward.

The Victoria-era market, which was once thriving, has now fallen to around 20 traders.

In a previous statement, a spokesperson from Ryden said: "We are actively engaged in conversations with our clients, the owners of Carlisle Market Hall, at this moment.

"We are not in a position to comment further but we will continue to deal with occupier queries as required."