The Nelson Thomlinson School held their annual Work Ready Day and Careers Fair for its pupils on July 5.

A number of external businesses participated, with 22 firms holding mock interviews for Year 10 pupils.

These included CCL Secure, Futamura, Bensons, Dodd & Co, PPM, Steadmans Roofing & Cladding, DSD Construction, among others.

While another 23 were involved in the Careers Fair for Year 7, Year 8 and Year 9, such as Blood Bikes, Innovia, HSBC, Persimon Homes and more.

Work Ready Day is designed to grow student interest in making life choices, provide real-life employer encounters and offer a sneak-peak into potential careers.

Students are also made aware of the qualifications necessary for these careers, which may influence their Year 11 post-16 choices.

The day focuses heavily on self-awareness, with students encouraged to delve deeper into their strengths, hobbies and interests.

In addition, students individually explore a variety of career pathways, including some they might not have previously contemplated.

This exploration comes within the framework of local Labour Market Information rendered by employers.

(Image: some students even securing future job offers on the day)

Under the watchful eye of industry experts, six activities are typically organised.

Julia Mullarkey, careers leader at the school, organises the event.

She begins the planning process before Christmas, sending out 'save the date' invites to previous supporters of the event.

She also makes it a point to involve the students' parents, urging them to suggest local businesses they would like their children to learn more about.

The spring term is key in the preparation for Work Ready Day.

It is during this term that Mrs Mullarkey asks Year 10 students about their industries of interest.

She then carefully matches these interests with the roster of employers, colleges and training providers invited to conduct mock interviews and participate in the Careers Fair.

This careful curating ensures that the students' encounters at the fair are meaningful and relevant.

Year 10 students are also schooled in how to do 'The Perfect Handshake' in a specifically organised assembly and also prepare their CVs, building on the skills they acquire in their careers and PSHE lessons.

The carefully planned Work Ready Day gives Year 7 and 8 students an early introduction to the career world.

Year 9 students, having recently made their GCSE options, also get the chance to explore the event.

(Image: Julia Mullarkey, careers leader at the school, organises the event)

Work Ready Day has been a calendar highlight since its inauguration in 2018 and is mainly driven by employers.

It features four workshops by different employers on various subjects like university life, employability skills and apprenticeships post 16 and post 18, giving students a well-rounded view of post-school opportunities.

The event also sees active participation from Year 12 students who volunteer to assist and reassure the Year 10 students.

(Image: The Nelson Thomlinson School)

The school considers student feedback on previous events when undertaking the next year's planning.

A survey carried out pre and post-event identifies the needs and interests of the pupils, shaping the event to be as relevant and meaningful as possible.

This initiative appears to be fruitful, with some students even securing future job offers on the day.