Fans, players and staff paid a moving tribute to Andrew Jenkins in the first game since his passing.

A minute's silence was held before the Penrith v Carlisle United friendly in memory of the long-serving former Blues owner and chairman.

Mr Jenkins, who died this week aged 87, was recognised for his immense contribution to United in a public address announcement by the home club.

The 1,030 attendance at the Leo Group Stadium on Friday evening then observed the silence impeccably as spectators joined the two teams, officials and staff members in standing to honour Mr Jenkins' memory.

The touching scenes came two days after it was announced that Mr Jenkins, who had been a United director since 1959, had died.

United's players observe the minute's silence for Andrew Jenkins before the Penrith gameUnited's players observe the minute's silence for Andrew Jenkins before the Penrith game (Image: Ben Holmes)

A huge number of tributes have been paid to the Pioneer Foodservice businessman, while United fans are raising money to create a flag at Brunton Park in his memory.

The Flags for United group are planning a permanent banner at the ground which will feature a timeless quote from the club's legendary chairman, who said: "Some people are in it for the glory, I've never thought of it like that. I just love Carlisle United."

You can donate to the GoFundMe page HERE

Flags for United added: "We could spend all day writing about Andrew’s service to the club but I think Billy Atkinson (CUOSC) summed it up better than any of us could - “Andrew was an absolute gentleman, there are no amount of words that can truly define Andrew’s service to Carlisle United.”

They say any money left over from the flag fundraiser will be donated to charity.

United manager Paul Simpson, speaking to the News & Star after the Penrith game, said Mr Jenkins' impact on United would never be forgotten.

"It's difficult [to do him justice with words] given what he brought to Carlisle United," Simpson said.

"He is Mr Carlisle United. People often use the word legend, don't they, but in terms of Carlisle United, he is a legend with what he's done for this club.

"I honestly don't think there would be a football club if it wasn't for Andrew.

Paul Simpson says Andrew Jenkins, left, deserves to be remembered as a legend of the clubPaul Simpson says Andrew Jenkins, left, deserves to be remembered as a legend of the club (Image: Amy Nixon / Carlisle United)

"He's been superb, and just a top guy as well. It's going to be strange without him, but I don't think he'll ever be forgotten."

Simpson said that only days ago the club had been making plans to ensure Mr Jenkins was looked after with the new directors' seating arrangements in the refurbished Brunton Park.

"I saw him after the last home game of last season, and he was saying, 'I don't know if I can go over to the East Stand' [where directors will be situated from 2024/25].

"I said, 'You don't need to. You'll be looked after here. You'll be looked after on this [the Main Stand] side [where the directors seating has always been until now].

"I said he was always welcome to come into my office for a cup of tea before the game, which is what he used to do every home game - just sit and have a chat for five or ten minutes.

"And on Tuesday in the call we were talking about different things going on. We talked about where his seats were going to be, and Tom and Patty [Piatak, United's owners] had said, 'We have saved his seats', and we explained where they were going to be, and all that sort of stuff.

"So provisions were all put in place to make sure he was going to be comfortable and looked after.

"So it's going to be sad, really sad, that he won't be there to enjoy it.

"I thought tonight [at Penrith] was a real fitting tribute. I thought the minute's silence was handled so respectfully, and I'm quite sure there'll be a few more of them."

Simpson also said United must also do as much as they can to build on Mr Jenkins' legacy at the club.

"I'm quite sure he'll be looking down and liking what he's seeing, and we've got to make sure that we do everything right so that there's something there for him to be proud of," United's manager added.