The Dog and Gun in Skelton is hoping to bring Michelin quality dining into our homes with its new Kickstarter campaign. 

Ben Queen-Fryer, chef and co-owner of the Michelin-star restaurant, is sharing his culinary journey with The Dog and Gun Cookbook and he's looking for support in getting the project off the ground. 

He decided to create a cookbook to show the progression of The Dog and Gun and how far it's come. 

The Kickstarter, which launched on Sunday, has already received more than £2,700 towards the goal of £16,000.

"This is the first time I've done something like this, I've seen people do them and they work and I've seen some people do them and they don't work," said Mr Queen-Fryer.

"It's a really, really good start and I think it'll be a slow burn, this one for us.

"But nearly £3000 on day one, you know, that's getting towards 20 per cent of what we've asked for. I'm really happy with that."

It is hoped that the book will be released in November, just in time for Christmas.

Readers will be able to try out 70 recipes that showcase years of tried and tested dishes that have been served in the pub.

Mr Queen-Fryer said: "Some of the recipes, we spent years tweaking and getting right and doing over and over and over again.

"What I wanted to happen with our book was it might not turn out exactly like the picture the first time you make it, but I'm sure that all the recipes will taste really good.

"And were you to make any of them a handful of times, then you'll get really close because the recipes are tried and tested."

Backers of the Kickstarter campaign can potentially receive some special rewards.

As well as a copy of the book when it is released, there is also a soufflé masterclass, gift vouchers, a book launch dinner, and a private dinner party available depending on how much people give towards it. 

The Dog and Gun is self-publishing the book to retain as much control over the process as possible and they'll use Reeds in Penrith to print and design it.

You can support the campaign here.