MORE than 200 primary school children came together to add to 2024’s summer of sport.

On TV there may be the Euros, Wimbledon, and the Olympics to come, but at Whitehaven’s Copeland Stadium, Year 4 pupils from Cumbria Education Trust (CET) schools tackled their own physical activities such as mini-Olympics, tag rugby and dance.

All 10 primary schools from CET gathered for the annual 'Be The Best You Can Be' Sports Day.

Youngsters enjoy a game of tag rugby at the eventYoungsters enjoy a game of tag rugby at the event (Image: Submitted)

Year 9 sports leaders and student ambassadors from CET’s three secondary schools - The Whitehaven Academy, Brampton’s William Howard School, and Workington Academy - facilitated the events, providing leadership, support and encouragement to the younger participants throughout the day.

Usman, from Whitehaven’s Hensingham Primary School, said: “I had lots of fun, and my favourite activity was tag rugby because I got to run around a lot.”

Year 4 pupils enjoyed the sports on offer, which included tag rugbyYear 4 pupils enjoyed the sports on offer, which included tag rugby (Image: Submitted)

Alisha, also from Hensingham, added: “It was so much fun. Tag rugby was my favourite activity because you got to hold the rugby ball and pull people's tags off!"

Student Oliver, from Newtown, also enjoyed the event, adding: "It was a fantastic day! We all cheered for each other and supported each other. It was amazing to see teenagers set up with no teachers to help at all. We had a wonderful time."

Catch me if you can!Catch me if you can! (Image: Submitted)

Tracey Clooney, a PE Teacher at The Whitehaven Academy, who led the event, said:  “All of the Year 4 students had huge smiles on their faces throughout the day, displaying exemplary behaviour and were energetic and enthusiastic. Both the participants and those leading the event were fantastic ambassadors for CET throughout the day.”

Sadie Skivington, assistant headteacher at Carlisle’s Newtown Primary School, said: “Our Year 4s had the best day! They loved the tag rugby, the obstacle course and the opportunities to see and meet new friends from other trust schools.”

Youngsters leap over the hurdles at speedYoungsters leap over the hurdles at speed (Image: Submitted)

Nic Tweddle, CET Assistant Headteacher and Student Culture Lead, said: “It is fantastic to have so many young people from across all our schools collaborating and coming together as one team, enjoying the West Cumbrian sunshine and being a part of such a positive event.

“Events such as this display the benefits of being part of the trust as it enables students from our schools to have experiences that they would not ordinarily be exposed to.

Hoops on the trackHoops on the track (Image: Submitted)

“Thanks must also go to our staff for making enriching and memorable events such as this possible for our students.”

The event is part of CET’s ongoing commitment to unite trust schools through varied activities and challenges. This has included, a multi-skills festival for Year 2 children, Year 6 participated in both a netball tournament and a maths challenge and the secondary schools have put their brains into a robotics competition.

Year 9 sports leaders and student ambassadors from CET’s three secondary schools - The Whitehaven Academy, Brampton’s William Howard School, and Workington Academy - facilitated the eventsYear 9 sports leaders and student ambassadors from CET’s three secondary schools - The Whitehaven Academy, Brampton’s William Howard School, and Workington Academy - facilitated the events (Image: Submitted)