A CARLISLE man convicted of raping a 15-year-old boy during an overnight fishing trip accused two other alleged victims of “jumping on the bandwagon.”

On day two of his trial at the city’s crown court, 48-year-old Barrie O’Keefe insisted he was not guilty of the rape in 2006, despite a jury returning a not guilty verdict after a trial.

He is now on trial accused of sexually assaulting and engaging in sexual activity with another 15-year-old boy and raping a 20-year-old man. Those offences are also alleged to have happened in 2006.

In both cases, say the prosecution, the defendant committed the offences after plying the victims with drink and drugs.

O’Keefe, formerly of Denton Holme, yesterday gave his evidence under questioning from his defence barrister, Brendan Burke.

He began by pointing out that the defendant was jailed for the allegation that involved another 15-year-old Carlisle boy in 2006. “I was found guilty but I didn’t do it,” said O’Keefe.

In that year, he said, he was a keen fisherman, but he denied that he was “always drinking” and giving the 15-year-old who is the alleged victim of the new offences alcohol.

The defendant said: “No. I’m not a heavy drinker.” O’Keefe denied that he ever took part in nighttime fishing. “I just didn’t do nights,” he said. Challenged about the alleged sexual assault, he said: “It’s not true.”

Asked why the teenage would lie, O’Keefe suggested that he may have been seeking “some sort of compensation,” though the prosecution pointed out that the alleged victim had never asked for compensation.

Questioned about the other alleged victim, the defendant said he had no interest in football and had not supplied the man with alcohol or cannabis. “He said you raped him,” said Mr Burke.

“Not true,” said O’Keefe.

Prosecutor Peter Wilson then questioned the defendant. The barrister asked O’Keefe: “Why hang about with a 15-year-old boy in your spare time?” The defendant said: “I’m not going to say you can’t fish here.”

Under further questioning, O’Keefe said he could not recall whether he gave evidence in the rape trial which resulted in his conviction.

The defendant confirmed that the two alleged victims were, in his view, “jumping on the bandwagon” following that earlier rape conviction. “Are you a liar, Mr O’Keefe?” asked Mr Wilson. “No, I am not,” he replied. 

The prosecutor asked why when he was interviewed in 2006 O’Keefe had accepted he knew the teenager he is accused of sexually assaulting but he then denied knowing him to the police two years ago.

“I probably didn’t hear what the question was at the time,” said O’Keefe (pictured). He denied wanting to “groom” the teenager.(Image: Newsquest)

Mr Wilson said O’Keefe had used “fishing, alcohol and friendship” to lure both alleged victims away from other people to places where he could assault them.

“No, not at all,” said O’Keefe.

The trial continues.