Times & Star chief reporter Bridget Dempsey followed new Penrith and Solway Labour MP Markus Campbell-Savours as he joined 335 new MPs from across the country on their first two days in Parliament.

ON arrival at Penrith railway station ready for the 8.50am train to Euston, Mr Campbell-Savours was greeted by a small group of Labour members, who had ventured down to wave their new MP off and wish him luck in his new role as their representative in Westminster.

Standing under blue skies, the excitement from some of the Penrith campaigners was palpable: for the first time in history they are able to send a Labour representative off to parliament.

The new MP ready to board the train to Euston.The new MP ready to board the train to Euston. (Image: NQ staff)

After a quick change at Lancaster, Mr Campbell-Savours was joined by the new Labour MP for Morecambe and Lunesdale, Lizzi Collinge, who represents areas of south Cumbria.

The two spend much of the journey discussing the political drama of the last six weeks and trying to brace each other for the whirlwind which was set to greet them as they stepped off the train at Euston ready to start their ‘new life’ as Cumbrian voices in Westminster.

Supporters gathered at Penrith Train Station to wave Mr Campbell-Savours off to LondonSupporters gathered at Penrith Railway Station to with Mr Campbell-Savours luck

But even on this new dawn for Labour, with its hefty majority secured at last week's General Election, there are echoes of the past.

On arrival at the Palace of Westminster, Mr Campbell-Savours was greeted at the members' entrance of the House of Commons by the house security officer on duty.

This little exchange happens in the exact same place as the security check undergone by Mr Campbell-Savours' father - the now Lord Dale Campbell-Savours - when he was welcomed to the house by PC Percy Beard on May 10, 1979 to take up his place as Workington MP.

Mr Campbell-Savours is even wearing the exact same overcoat that his father donned all those years ago.

Markus Campbell-Savours MP and new Cumbrian colleague Lizzi Collinge MPMarkus Campbell-Savours MP and new Cumbrian colleague Lizzi Collinge MP (Image: NQ staff)

Safely inside, induction sessions follow. Mr Campbell-Savours is given advice on topics such as the setting up of his office, security (a sobering insight into the differences in arrangements between his father's time and current day), as well as meetings with Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority (IPSA) and HR departments in Parliament.

Tuesday saw the election of the Speaker Lindsay Hoyle to the Commons - with the customary 'dragging' of the 'reluctant' candidate to the Speaker's chair - and what would be Mr Campbell-Savours’ first time in the chamber as MP for Penrith and Solway.

The ceremony of Parliament was in full swing - a packed-out chamber and public gallery were treated to the theatre and procedure of Parliament.

Speaking on his first few days in Westminster, Mr Campbell-Savours said that the sheer volume of new members has complicated the process. "It's clearly going to be a challenge to get us all set up with staffed offices, IT equipment, and all the things we'll need to support our constituents," he said.

"A highlight of the week was definitely the appointment of the speaker. The Commons chamber was packed and it's funny how much smaller it is in real life.

"They really squeeze us in!"

READ NEXT: Labour candidate 'elated' to be elected as first MP for new Penrith and Solway seat

Thank you to Mr Campbell-Savours for allowing us to follow the journey and also to Lord Dale Campbell-Savours for his hospitality.