Mountain rescuers were deployed after a member of a youth group on a walk suffered a suspected broken ankle yesterday (July 9).

As the first few members of the Langdale Ambleside Mountain Rescue Team (LAMRT) arrived, a second callout was received of a separate youth group member near the summit of Esk Pike, reported to be hypothermic.

Due to the nature and location of both casualties, they requested help from neighbouring teams: Duddon and Furness Mountain Rescue Team, Kendal Mountain Search and Rescue Team and HM Coastguard Rescue 199 helicopter from Prestwick,” a spokesperson from LAMRT said.

They added: “The first few team members got up to the top of Esk Pike as the helicopter had managed to skilfully fly through the thick cloud.

“The casualty was treated and loaded into the helicopter and flown down into the valley to a waiting ambulance.

“The helicopter then flew back up for the second casualty who had been treated and prepared by the team, they were flown directly to hospital.

“The rest of the teams on the hill helped the uninjured members of the groups down back into the valley.”