COMMERCIAL flights could return to Carlisle Lake District Airport, a meeting of Cumberland Council has heard.

The statement was in response to a question which was asked during Tuesday (July 9) meeting of the full council at the Civic Centre in Carlisle.

Councillor Tim Pickstone (Longtown, Lib Dems) directed his question, which was taken as read, towards council leader councillor Mark Fryer (St Johns and Great Clifton, Labour).

In his question he said: "Could the leader inform members what discussions have been with the new owners of Carlisle Lake District Airport about maintaining the potential for a return of commercial aviation and whether the council will continue to work with the owners to secure the return of flights to Carlisle?"

Cllr Fryer said: "There was some significant interest in it, not just one set of buyers, but at least two. We have been talking to all parties during that time."

He said that the council remained the landlord of the site and added: "The new owners have confirmed that the site will continue as an aerodrome.

Cllr Fryer said that it could create sustainable jobs which would benefit the area's "long term economic future".

Cllr Pickstone asked whether Cllr Fryer agreed that bringing commercial aviation back to Carlisle Lake District Airport would be a significant boost to the local economy and that he would continue to use every opportunity to work with both the airport, airlines and business partners to bring back flights to the city?

His immediate response was "absolutely”, and the previous owners had been spoken with at length but, post-Covid, the market had become volatile, particularly destinations including Southend, the north east and Leeds.

But he added: "We are open for business, aren't we?"