The council is urging people to watch out for wasps and treat them cautiously during the summer.

Wasps are identifiable by their narrow waist, bright yellow stripes, and dots below their head.

They are more aggressive than bees and can sting multiple times when attacking.

Cumberland Council's qualified and expertly trained pest control team is on hand to deal with these insects.

Unlike bees, which are protected and cannot be treated, wasps can be treated because of their aggressive nature and potential danger, especially to those with allergies.

Councillor Bob Kelly, portfolio holder for Environmental Health at Cumberland Council, said: "We want to help residents enjoy the summer months free from pests and critters.

"Wasps can be particularly unpleasant, are aggressive when provoked and can cause a nasty sting.

"It is important that nests are treated carefully, using the right equipment, by professionals with the appropriate training.

"If there’s something causing a nuisance on your property, get in touch with our trusted team."

In addition to treating wasps, the council's pest control team also offers advice and chargeable treatments for rats, mice, cockroaches, bed bugs, and fleas.