THREE NHS staff members have been praised by North Cumbria Integrated Care for their 'Ambition.'

As part of the trust's 'Glimpse of Brilliance' scheme three workers have been recognised for showing ambition through receiving a new qualification. 

Tamsin Cass, Tom Sugden, and Tanya Coates are all physiotherapists, they have been recognised for their achievements and how they will benefit patients. 

In a post on social media, NCIC wrote: "Tamsin, Tom, and Tanya have recently completed their First Contact Physiotherapy Roadmap University Modules.

"This qualification requires a large amount of academic and clinical work over a four to twelve month period. The qualification enables them to work in First Contact Physiotherapy services delivering musculoskeletal care to patients at their first point of contact.

"First-contact physiotherapists play a vital role in supporting patients in GP practices with musculoskeletal problems. The work that Tamsin, Tom, and Tanya have completed demonstrates ambition and drive to deliver excellent care to patients. Well done, a fantastic achievement."