OFFICERS at Cumberland Council are recommending that the authority closes Brampton's Moot Lodge care home.

At a meeting of the council's executive, which is set to take place on Tuesday, July 23 at the Copeland Centre in Whitehaven, a decision will be taken on the recommendation to close Moot Lodge, outlined in a report by the director of adult social care and housing Chris Jones-King.

The adults and community health portfolio holder Councillor Lisa Brown will also submit the outcome of the public consultation on the proposal to close the care home.

In addition, the meeting will see a decision taken on the next phase of the Cumberland Care Review, which covers the intention to reshape residential provision delivered by Cumberland Care in order to refocus on dementia care, intermediate care, and respite services.

The Moot Lodge review comes after a public consultation was initially called for by Cllr Mike Mitchelson in February and after members of a community panel scrutinised the adult social care department’s rationale for closing Moot Lodge in March.

Ahead of the July meeting, a spokesperson for Cumberland Council, said: "On July 23 the executive will consider the officer recommendation to close Moot Lodge care home in Brampton.

"Several key factors have influenced this recommendation, which follows an extensive review and public consultation process.

"Moot Lodge has been facing challenges related to reduced occupancy and its capacity to meet the diverse and evolving needs of our residents. The building has limitations relating to facilities on multiple levels and access to safe outside space, which cannot be resolved through capital investment. 

“Brampton is fortunate to have two other care homes with available vacancies. These facilities are well-equipped to provide continued excellent care for our residents. This ensures that even if Moot Lodge closes, residents will have access to high-quality care within the local community. 

"We recognise the importance of family in the care and wellbeing of our residents. Each resident and their family will have individual considerations in place to support their preferences. These will meet their care and support needs as well as enhancing their overall wellbeing

The Executive is now set to take a decision on Moot Lodge which will 'prioritise the wellbeing and quality of life for all Brampton residents' and consider the concerns raised by the public consultation.

The Cumberland Council spokesperson added: "The consultation highlighted that independence, dignity, and privacy are highly valued by residents and their families.

Current limitations within the Moot Lodge building sometimes hinder these outcomes.

"By focusing on non-residential care options, we could better support these values, providing care environments that promote independence and respect the dignity and privacy of our residents. 

“The report recommendation is rooted in Cumberland Care’s mission to provide compassionate, sustainable, and high-quality care that supports the wellbeing and independence of all residents.

"By aligning resources with community needs and preferences, Cumberland Care aims to uphold its vision of promoting independence, dignity, and better health outcomes for all residents under its care. 

“The Executive is committed to making a decision that prioritises the wellbeing and quality of life for all Brampton residents.

"Cumberland Council understands the concerns raised during the consultation and the Executive will ensure that the decision will consider these factors carefully."