Friday will see Palestine Solidarity Group Carlisle and District's screening of Where Olive Trees Weep.

Part of an international premiere, the documentary takes a deep look at life in the West Bank, under occupation.

The film highlights the cultural importance of the olive tree to Palestinians, representing peace, hope, and identity. 

Featuring Ahed Tamimi, a child activist and prisoner, and renowned trauma healing specialist Dr Gabor Mate, the documentary is said to offer a powerful account of Palestinian life under Israeli occupation.

As the filmmakers state: "The film is our modest contribution end to the occupation in Palestine...and the spreading of healing for all intergenerational cycles of trauma in the region."

The Carlisle group is thrilled to host this premiere, already well-received elsewhere.

A post-film discussion will take place to delve into the themes explored.

The event, taking place at the Church of Scotland on Chapel St, runs from 7-9.30pm on July 19. 

Entry costs £5 and includes refreshments.