Today is St Swithin’s Day, and we’re looking back at what was happening in Cumbria on this fateful date.

According to traditional folklore, whatever the weather is like on St Swithin’s Day – whether rain or shine – it will continue for the next 40 days and 40 nights.

Swithin was a man born in or around the year 800 who became Bishop of Winchester.

Unlike other religious figures, he asked not to be buried within Winchester Cathedral, but outside in a simple tomb “where the sweet rain of heaven may fall upon my grave”.

Legend has it that after his remains were moved inside there was a great storm and it rained for many weeks after.

While July 15 may be considered a portent, there is no evidence to support this, with no recorded 40 dry or wet days in a row following St Swithin’s Day since records began in 1861.

Our main picture, taken on this day in 2004, shows shoppers getting soaked on The Strand in central London. What made it even more depressing was the fact that on the previous July 15, Britain had basked in blistering temperatures of 33C.

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On this day in 2016, a craft workshop was being held at the Cycle Cafe and Quirky Workshops at Greystoke. Pictured about to make willow hares are, from left to right, Alison Olner, Jon Olner, Jane Inman and Annie Swarbrick.

(Image: Newsquest)
At the same time, Adam Hutchings, 26, from Upperby, Carlisle was showing off his collection of 50-plus Adidas trainers.

(Image: Newsquest)
Also pictured on July 15, 2016 are Sammy Armstrong from Hethersgill, who has Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) and Reverend Bar Nash-Williams from Alston, who was among those praying for her.

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Michael Walsh from Bunkers Hill Dairy near Greystoke had installed a self service milk vending machine for the public to use and a new secret garden was opened at Newtown Community School in Carlisle.

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Pictured are some of those involved in the project and the opening being performed by the youngest and oldest pupils, Jacob Pattinson and Haydn Massey.

(Image: Newsquest)
Three student nurses from the University of Cumbria were raising funds for a work experience trip to Tanzania. Left to right are Lisa Smythe, Rukhsar Younas and Lauren Bruntnell.

(Image: Newsquest)
Our final picture shows Stuart Curtis, 41, of Eilbeck Close, Carlisle, who was running a rave taxi service to keep his passengers in the party mood.