A former volunteer walker for an animal rescue service in Penrith wants to raise money for a memorial bench for the charity’s longest canine resident.

The dog, Tank, was affectionately called Tanky and died following a short illness in June.

(Image: Chesworth Communications)

He spent five years at Eden Animal Rescue's kennels near Newbiggin, Penrith.

Sarah Harrison, who used to work at the charity, regularly visited Tank to take him for walks.

(Image: Chesworth Communications)

This continued every week even after she left to start her new job.

She said: “Tank was a big part of our lives, and a real character. He was such a lovely dog.

(Image: Chesworth Communications)

“He was much loved by the staff and I felt honoured that he had let me be his favourite person. He always put a smile on my face, and others.

“We weren’t able to re-home, but I loved taking him out for walks. He was a very special dog and I would like to raise £1,600 for a bespoke memorial bench and tree.

(Image: Chesworth Communications)

“I have set up a Just Giving, Crowdfunding page to raise funds for his memorial which will create a quiet place to sit and reflect at Eden Animal Rescue’s kennels.

“Any money raised in excess of that needed for the bench and tree will be donated to Eden Animal Rescue and Dogs Trust.”

(Image: Chesworth Communications)

Donations for Tank's memorial can be made via Just Giving - Crowdfunding at https://tinyurl.com/bdzmjyrb.

Donations will fund a bench and tree in loving memory of Tank.

Fran Flower from EAR said: “Our aim is always to rehome the dogs that come into our care, but there are times when a dog for one reason or another cannot be re-homed.

(Image: Chesworth Communications)

"However, at Eden Animal Rescue there is always a home.

"When Sarah came to take him out you could see the joy in his face.

"They had such a special bond, and it is such a lovely tribute to Tank that Sarah is planning."