A BRAMPTON dwelling could be turned into a residential institution if the application is approved by planning officers at Cumberland Council.

The application is for a site in Paving Brow and it was submitted by A Wilderness Way, which is described as a leading childcare provider, which intends to operate the property as a home for children in care.

According to a supporting statement, the applicant would operate the property with a maximum of one child staying there at any one time, with an envisaged length of stay of approximately six months, with the property being the child’s primary residence for this duration.

The report adds: "There would be no more than two carers living in the property at any one time. The carers would work on a rota basis with two days on, four days off."

It is proposed that two carers would stay at the property with the child for two days and, on the morning of the third day, at about 9.30am they are replaced by two new carers who then repeat the process.

The report states: "There are six carers in total for the property. Changeover times are during the day and there are no comings and goings at unsociable hours. All areas are accessible to the carers including the child’s bedroom if necessary."

In addition to the carers a manager would be based at the property for up to 15 hours per week. The report states: "This means that there can be up to three members of staff at any one time. A social worker may visit the property once a month for approximately 1.5 hours.

"Family members can see the child either at the property or at the family member’s home, with visits varying in frequency, time and length.

"There is an external quality assurance visit to the property once a month for approximately two hours. Initially there is on-site learning with an education leader for an average of three hours per week, though this will change to be off-site learning/education provision."

It is proposed that the child would be aged between the ages of eight and 17 years old and no internal changes to the property are expected to be required.

The planning application is currently being considered by officers in the council's planning department.