As part of our Meet the Chef series we're talking to some of Cumbria's finest about their lives in and out of the kitchen. This week it's the turn of Gemma Scott, head chef at Ennerdale Brewery Tap and Bistro, Rowrah

What is your current role and what does it involve?
Head chef. The management and controlling of the day to day running of all aspects of the kitchen prep and service.

How long have you been a chef?
Twenty-five years. I joined catering college straight out of school.

How did you first get into cooking?
I had a last minute change of heart. I was all set to learn and work in childcare and nurseries but something drew me to join catering and I haven’t looked back since.

Where did you learn your craft?
I started my training at Lakes College fresh out of school in the original building before moving into the new build for my final year.

What was your first job in hospitality?
My first full time job was towards the end of my training in the final year. I began working at the Kirkstile Inn, Loweswater, where I stayed for 17 years before leaving in 2018.

(Image: Ennerdale Brewery)

What is your signature dish?
I wouldn’t like to claim a signature dish, I’d consider myself a good all rounder with good hands for pastry and, so I’m told, a good eye for meat, with a cracking West Cumbrian Sunday roast.

What’s been your worst cooking disaster?
I think anyone in hospitality will have more than a few disasters under their belt, especially having a few jobs on the go at the same time in the kitchen, although it's normally in the pastry section! Any slight mistakes in a recipe can have a big impact.

What are your culinary ambitions?
Throughout my career the end(ish) goal has always been to work at head chef level and run my own kitchen, so it's fulfilling that I’ve reached this level in the village where I grew up as a child and continue to reside as an adult. It’s incredibly homely to develop a personal touch with all the locals.

What do you like to eat?
I have quite a varied taste but if I had to choose I’d go for Italian first and then it would be the traditional Sunday roast for me.

How do you achieve a work/life balance?
Hospitality is always a tricky career for work/life balance regardless of your role, but my current employers have always excelled in personal care, looking after us extremely well and making sure our home lives are valued as equally as our work lives.

Ennerdale Brewery is just one of the venues taking part in the Cumberland Food & Drink Programme, which is funded by the UK government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and is supported by Cumberland Council and Sellafield. For more information visit