WE'RE highlighting the shortlisted pubs in our competition in the News & Star. Each of the establishments will be featured over the following issues.

The Crown Inn, Stanwix has been nominated by News & Star readers as one of the ten finalists in its 'Best Pub 2024' award.

The pub, which is located on Carlisle's Scotland Road, is owned by Dianne Iriving, who took over at the Inn in 2017.

After being informed that The Crown Inn has been nominated as a finalist in the News & Star's 'Best Pub 2024' award, Dianne was on hand to express her delight. 

She said: "I am absolutely delighted. I think it is a really great accolade, especially for our staff because they all work really hard.

"It is great news."

Dianne also discussed what she believes the pub's regulars love about their favourite local. 

She said: "I think the Crown is a friendly pub and one of the things that I love is that there is a real mix of ages in here when you come in and people get on with each other.

"You get a young group of lads sat at the bar next to an older couple in their 70s or 80s and they will cat away.

"I think there is something for everyone and we try hard to make sure there is something for everyone in the community as it is very much a community pub.

"We are largely driven by music and sport but we also do all sorts of things like our monthly book club, crafts during the school holidays for kids, and we try to be open to anything that makes people happy and brings them into the pub.

In addition, Dianne shared her passion for being part of the community and ensuring The Crown Inn plays a role in supporting everyone in its area.

She said: "That is my passion, pubs are there as a hub for the community, they are there to support people and we try to do that.

"We are always looking to keep an eye on some of the more vulnerable members of our community who may come in at the quieter times.

"We cater for everyone and that is what I am really passionate about.