HERE are some of the best News & Star Camera Club pictures from readers.

Mark McCarthy shared this image of a honeycomb on a hedgerow.

Mark McCarthy shared this image of a honeycomb on a hedgerowMark McCarthy shared this image of a honeycomb on a hedgerow (Image: News and Star Facebook Camera Club)

Scott Lynan Photography's shot of Rannerdale Valley.

Scott Lynan Photography's shot of Rannerdale ValleyScott Lynan Photography's shot of Rannerdale Valley (Image: News and Star Facebook Camera Club)

An image shared by Jonny Gios Photography of cloud over the Langdales.

An image shared by Jonny Gios Photography of cloud over the LangdalesAn image shared by Jonny Gios Photography of cloud over the Langdales (Image: News and Star Facebook Camera Club)

To join our camera club, search 'News & Star Camera Club' on Facebook.