A Cumbrian dog has amassed a huge following on Facebook thanks to his owner's pictures of him in the Lake District. 

Mary Marsh lives with her labrador retriever Fred in Greysouthern, a village near Cockermouth. 

As soon as Fred was old enough, Mary wanted to take him on some of her adventures in the Lake District and further afar. 

Fred at Liza BeckFred at Liza Beck (Image: Supplied)

And as she is a keen photographer, she wanted to capture him in front of the beautiful landscapes and scenery that Cumbria has to offer. 

She said: "I just began taking photos of him in the landscape & sharing them on a few Lake District Facebook groups. I usually include some details of our route/ weather and anything interesting or funny that happened. From there we gradually began to get followers. Now Fred has almost 3000 followers!

"Fred has boundless energy & always looks happy which seems to have appealed to his followers & he’s learnt to smile for the camera!

"I think some of his followers are older people who can’t get out & walk as they used to so seeing the scenery as well as Fred seems to give them much pleasure. Also other people who own dogs have said they like to see where we go as it gives them ideas for places to walk their own dogs too."

Fred's favourite swimming spotFred's favourite swimming spot (Image: Supplied)

Fred has certainly enjoyed his time living in Cumbria, particularly on visits to Crummock Water, where he can dive bomb into the lake. 

Mary with her mum, who is her inspiration for raising money for Alzheimer's SocietyMary with her mum, who is her inspiration for raising money for Alzheimer's Society (Image: Supplied)

Thanks to the generosity of followers, Mary has also been able to raise lots for charity in the last two years. Last year, she walked the Ullswater Way for the Altzeimers Society and raised about £600. This year, she is taking on a skydive on August 3 at Grange over Sands, raising another £826 so far for Alzheimer's Society again.

Mary said: "If it wasn’t for Fred I would never have raised so much money. All the money raised has come from Fred’s followers so I think as well as making people happy seeing his photos and hearing about his adventures he has helped Alzheimer’s sufferers too.