WE'RE highlighting the shortlisted pubs in our competition in the News & Star. Each of the establishments will be featured over the following issues.

The Drovers Rest has been nominated by News & Star readers as one of the ten finalists in its 'Best Pub 2024' award.

The pub, which is located in Monkhill, is owned by couple Tom McMaster and Becki Bowles, who took over at the dog-friendly pub in November 2023.

After being informed that The Drovers Rest has been nominated as a finalist in the News & Star's 'Best Pub 2024' award, Becki was on hand to express her delight. 

She said: "It is very nice to be thought of.

"We don't care about fine wine pouring and all of that, the thing for me is that when people come in here they are coming into our home.

"I want customers to feel like they can come in and take their shoes off, put their feet up, and relax.

"Our customers are an extension of our family and it is the truth, they are the most important thing. 

For Becki, attention to detail at the Drovers Rest is essential, with her and Tom taking steps to make sure that everyone who walks through the doors feels welcome. 

She said: "I like to overthink everything, for example, we have got beard oil in the men's toilets and hygiene products for the ladies 

"We are also dog-friendly but we know that some people are allergic to dogs so we have blankets that go on the furniture. We want dogs and people to behave. 

"We want people to feel like this is a space where they aren't just coming to get drunk but can bring their families and relax."

Becki also expressed her happiness at the strong community which has been build around the Monkhill pub. 

She said: "We are not in the city centre so people do have to make an effort to come out to see us so it is always nice to see them. They are all our friends.

"We dogsit for people, we babysit if we need to, it is more than just a customer and service relationship which is quite nice."