WE'RE highlighting the shortlisted pubs in our competition in the News & Star. Each of the establishments will be featured over the following issues.

The Beehive has been nominated by News & Star readers as one of the ten finalists in its 'Best Pub 2024' award.

The pub, which is located on Carlisle's Warwick Road, is managed by Christine and Michael Wheatley who took over at the pub in March 1999.

After being informed that The Beehive has been nominated as a finalist in the News & Star's 'Best Pub 2024' award, Christine was on hand to express her delight. 

She said: "We are absolutely delighted.

"It makes it feel like you are actually doing a good job. I have been here for 25 years, we had a massive part in March which everyone came to and I think we are part of the fixtures and fittings now after all those years.

"The Beehive is not just a local pub, it is for football fans, it is for B and B people, holidaymakers, people who walk Hadrian's Wall, we are dog-friendly and child friendly so it is for everyone and I think that is why it has done so well.

Christine also shared her belief that it is the Carlisle pub's family atmosphere that has made it such a firm favourite.

She said: "I think because we have been here a long time people become part of the family and they become part of our family and part of the local community.

"I think because we have that family feel and ability to share that with everyone who comes in that is a big thing.

"You can come in here from one year old to 90 years old and we will look after you, we will help you get a taxi if you're a bit drunk.

"The football days with Carlisle United are also so good. 

At 61 this year Christine is showing no signs of wanting to step away from the local pub world and expressed her pride at being able to share so many memories with The Beehive's community over the years.

She said: "Hospitality can be a hard job with long hours but I am 61 this year and I still not wanting to pack in because I love the job. 

"We are part of people's lives, we have seen them at their ups and downs and down their hen dos and been with them at Christmas.

"The Beehive is a hive of people who just want to be together. "

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