A PRIMARY school is celebrating double inspection joy after receiving two glowing reports within a month.

St Herbert’s C of E Primary and Nursery School in Keswick has been praised by inspectors from Ofsted and the Christian school inspectorate, SIAMs.

The school was found to be living up to its foundations as a church school during the SIAMs inspection.

The report says: “The Christian vision drives the work of the school. This means pupils are provided with every possible opportunity to enable them to experience 'life in all its fullness'.

“As the only primary school in this community, pupils, and their families, of any faith or of none, are warmly welcomed in. The especially chosen Christian values of wisdom, hope and aspiration, community and dignity shape the way life is lived in school.

“Pupils enjoy coming to school as it is a safe, caring and happy place. They say learning is fun and interesting, they work hard and learn a lot.”

Shortly after the SIAMs inspection, the school had a full inspection from the education watchdog, Ofsted, which found the school to be Good in all areas.

The report says: “Pupils are proud and happy to attend this welcoming school. Their relationships with each other and with staff are strong. Pupils are caring and considerate towards others.

“The school has designed an ambitious curriculum for pupils, including those with SEND. Staff deliver the curriculum clearly and consistently. This enables pupils to achieve well.”

In order to improve, inspectors said the school should ensure that the precise knowledge that pupils should learn is clear, so that gaps in learning are identified and addressed.

Michael Craig, headteacher, said: “I am delighted with the findings of both inspections. Since joining the school, my staff have worked tirelessly to deliver an ambitious and exciting curriculum to our pupils to ensure that they get the very best education.

“At St Herbert's we pride ourselves on developing the whole child and the recognition from both reports is something we are very proud of.

“Life at St Herbert's gives children opportunities to climb a range of fells, sing with thousands as part of the choir, visit Edinburgh or London or take the lead role in a production. This is to name just a few of the opportunities we offer and we are always looking to expand these further.

“I would just like to take this opportunity to thank the amazing staff, governors, community members, parents and of course the incredible children that make St Herbert's such an amazing place to be.”