A CITY resident has expressed their concern for the safety of walkers on a north Carlisle estate.

Linda Hartness, and other local residents, are worried that there is a "serious safety issue" on a road that is due to open that will connect Newfield Park to the Tarraby View estate. 

The road cuts across a popular public footpath - California Lane - but Mrs Hartness is concerned that without adequate precautions put in place somebody could be "seriously injured or even killed."

She said: "The biggest worry is they've put no provision in for safety.

"There are loads of children and people walking dogs, and there's even more now because there's a lot of people down on Tarraby View that have dogs.

"But nobody's listening and nobody seems to have taken this into account that it's going to be a rat run and somebody's going to get badly injured."

Sections of the footpath are obscured by hedges making it difficult for drivers, and pedestrians, to see any potential hazards. 

A traffic table is in place to reduce vehicle speeds across the footpath but Mrs Hartness believes that something like a chicane should be introduced to further encourage drivers to slow down as well as safety provisions for pedestrians crossing the road itself. 

She has approached both Cumberland Council and Persimmon Homes, which is building the Tarraby View estate, regarding her concerns but does not feel like they have listened to her. 

Belah councillor Helen Davison said: “I would really like to thank Linda for raising this issue as this is a really important consideration in this area.

"I am also really frustrated to hear that she hasn’t been listened to by either Persimmons or the council.

"California Lane is a much-used public right of way, which I know that residents did their best to ensure was protected during the whole planning process for the new Tarraby View development.

"Since being alerted to this I have spoken to planning officers about this to understand the planning requirements here and will be contacting Highways and our countryside access officers, who look after our rights of way, on this.

"I absolutely want to ensure that appropriate measures/structures are in place to ensure the safety of all who are using California Lane and will support our residents on this as best I can."

A Cumberland Council spokesperson said: "Users of the Public Right of Way (California Lane) is protected by a traffic calming table which will reduce vehicle speeds across this footpath, ensuring the safety of all users.

“We will conduct a site visit to assess if additional signage is needed.

“If residents have any concerns about the road network, they can report them directly to us by visiting our website."

A Persimmon spokesperson said: “The highway and footpath link have been constructed in accordance with the approved planning permissions.

“We are however looking into possible enhancements to the California lane crossing and will be discussing options with the local highway authority.”