WE'RE highlighting the shortlisted pubs in our competition in the News & Star. Each of the establishments will be featured over the following issues.

The Clubhouse has been nominated by News & Star readers as one of the ten finalists in its 'Best Pub 2024' award.

The pub, which is located in the Stony Holme Golf Course, is run by operations manager Allan Crosbue since it re-opened in May 2024 after briefly leaving the local golf course.

After being informed that The Clubhouse has been nominated as a finalist in the News & Star's 'Best Pub 2024' award, Allan was on hand to express his delight. 

He said: "I am surprised, not in a bad way, it is a great place to be, we do get a big miss of people who come here.

"We have got a big following in town and we also cater to the football crowds.

"I think people missed us when we left. I think it was a big miss. 

"We left the golf course and opened up the restaurant in town again and then the new golf company took over and they asked us to come back so we opened up two in the space of four months.

Allan also described why he believes The Clubhouse has gained such a large local following.

He said: "We are probably more laid back than other places, not in the sense of letting people just do what they want but in terms of the craic.

"It depends on what day of the week it is because running a business these days you have to be flexible.

"On a Monday we could be full with a funeral but on Tuesday we could be full of middle-aged men screaming at the football."

For Allan, the community aspect of The Clubhouse is also very important. 

He said: "You get people who just come in and chill and it is such a mixed place.

"When Carlisle starts playing again we are usually full before every game and we do get a lot of regulars who we chat to and I think a lot of them are happy to see that we are back and doing well."