PREVIOUSLY unknown financial details of the cost of the 2023 Appleby Fair have been brought to light.

Whilst the traditional Fair doesn't have an 'organiser', the multi-agency strategic co-ordinating group (MASCG), a collaboration of agencies, which manages the event had not disclosed the information earlier this year due to "changes in public sector organisations".

At the time, criticism was levelled over the lack of cost transparency and public scrutiny, including from MP for Westmorland and Lonsdale, Tim Farron.

But following Freedom of Information requests, submitted by the Appleby Fair Communities Group (AFCG), the MASCG - which includes Westmorland and Furness Council, Cumbria Police, the RSPCA and other agencies - has stated the external costs of the fair for the agencies amount to '£305,251'.

For comparison, the total cost of the 2022 Fair was £305,969, down from £496,535 in 2021.

A spokesperson from Appleby Fair Communities group (AFCG) said: "It’s a shame it’s been this hard to get things. 316 complaints submitted regarding transparency of costs.

“Also, we had to report to the Information Commissioner's Office before we got the information they had all along.

"It will be interesting to see if there is a saving this year after the councils are united,” they said.

Cumbria Constabulary’s costs for the Fair came to £164,014.

"It’s disappointing to see that the costs still don’t include normal working hours, so it can be misleading," the AFCG spokesperson said. 

A statement from the MASCG said: "The overall costs to the agencies involved in the response to the 2023 Appleby Horse Fair of £305,251 was down slightly on the £305,696 costs of the 2022 Fair and is considerably less than the £496,535 costs incurred during the 2021 Fair.

"This reduction was made possible by a further decrease in policing costs, down from £167,597 in 2022 to £164,014 in 2023.

"Overall, the public authorities involved in the MASCG, managed to maintain costs broadly in line with those incurred in 2022, with some small increases seen by Westmorland and Furness Council, the RSPCA, Cumbria Fire and Rescue and the Environment Agency.

“The 2023 Fair was the first since the unitary authority of Westmorland and Furness Council replace Cumbria County Council, Eden District Council and South Lakeland District Council in April 2023.

"However, the new council’s response to the 2023 Fair was built largely upon the plans prepared by its preceding authorities... the response was based upon established best practice, feedback received from residents and visitors from previous Fairs and compliance with any legislative frameworks dictated by their regulatory and statutory obligations."

The AFCG points to a breakdown of costs provided by Westmorland and Furness Council, totaling £72,447.

More than £13,000 of this sum was allocated to signage and posts - an expense the group queried, with some finding signage pointless due to many "being removed or burned".

In response, MASCG clarified that the cost of £13,000 attributed to wooden posts also covered highway signage around Appleby, nearby villages, and all roads leading to the town during the fair.

“Fence posts and adequate road signage are an essential component in the safe management of the highways during all phases of the Fair," they said. 

“As road cones can easily be removed wooden posts provide a sturdier barrier to aid the enforcement of the temporary local traffic and parking restrictions that are in place during the Fair. These restrictions help ensure the safety of residents, visitors and all road users.

“The MASCG is currently assessing the impact of the trial use of road bunding, which was introduced to replace some traditional wooden posts during the 2024 Fair.

"If adjudged to have been a success, it could be introduced in other areas considered too ‘dangerous’ for encampments.  In addition, a full post-review will be carried out in advance of the 2025 Fair.

"The MASCG is committed to engaging with the communities affected by the Fair and will undertake feedback events with residents throughout the coming year in order to assess the response to the 2024 Fair and improve plans for 2025.

"Event details will be posted at, where residents and visitors can also find, complete and submit feedback forms.”