A mountain rescue team was on standby following an alert about two struggling walkers on Scafell Pike.

On July 12, Wasdale Mountain Rescue Team (MRT) received a call from the Cumbria Police about a walker who had suffered several injuries following a fall.

Despite his injuries, the walker was mobile and was making his own way down the mountain, accompanied by other walkers.

His walking partner was also struggling and walking slowly.

A spokesperson from Wasdale MRT said: "The team leader was able to make contact with both walkers, and it was agreed that the team would remain on standby in case the situation worsened as they continued their respective descents.

"Both walkers were eventually able to make their own descent to Wasdale Head, and the team was stood down.

"Our thanks to the passing walkers who helped.

"The team leader kept the log open until it was confirmed that both walkers were safely back at their accommodation," they said.