A CHARITY event which saw brave punters shave their heads has raised over £1,500 for Cancer Research UK. 

On July 5, pubgoers at the Loose Moose pub, in Penrith, gathered for the charity night in honour of Linda Martin. 

Joann Martin, the organiser of the event, extended her gratitude to everyone who participated, from the Loose Moose staff to those who contributed prizes and especially those who got shaved or waxed. 

For Joann, cancer has marred her family's life, taking her grandfather, father, and now affecting her mother's health, Linda. 

"My mum (Linda) was diagnosed in March 2024 with multiple myeloma and is currently undergoing treatment.

"I’m just so pleased that she was able to attend the event.

"It was an amazing night, we had a brilliant turnout and the atmosphere was electric, so thank you to everyone who turned up," she said. 

Father and son Colin and Craig Tunstall get matching haircuts. Father and son Colin and Craig Tunstall get matching haircuts. (Image: Supplied)

Funds were raised through donations, and the passing out of 54 raffle prizes, with the idea of paid head shaves as the main attraction courtesy of Leah Hall.

"We wanted to raise as much money as we possibly could to donate to Cancer Research UK, to hopefully one day find a cure and beat cancer.

"Thanks to you we were able to raise an incredible £1531," she said. 

Regular customer Kristian Thompson getting involved.Regular customer Kristian Thompson getting involved. (Image: Supplied)

The pub's general manager Sarah Scrimgour said "raising money for charity was always something that I knew I would try and push to do" when she took the role in June this year.

"When Craig and Joann had the idea, I was 100 per cent behind them both instantly," she said.  

"Cancer is something that has affected 99.9 per cent of people, whether themselves, family friends or someone they know. 

"We are aiming to hold a charity event every three months at The Loose Moose.

"We will look closely at local charities next time to help our town where we can," she said.