Charities, businesses and groups from Carlisle will work together later this month to host a Try Dry July event in the city centre. 

From 10am until 4pm on Tuesday July 30, local residents will have the opportunity to celebrate a day of recovery-focused wellbeing and the achievements of everyone who took part in Try Dry July.

Healthwatch Cumberland will be exhibiting the findings from their addictions project, sharing the stories and experiences of those who took part. It’s also an opportunity to discuss what the challenges and barriers are for people in our communities, preventing them from reaching out for support.

They will be joined by Cumbria Addictions Advice and Solutions (CADAS), The Well Communities and Recovery Steps Cumbria, who will be highlighting their services and are ready to chat about recovery and raise awareness of the harms surrounding substance misuse.

For all members of the family, both young and old, you can get involved with the Young People First craft tent.

There will also be representatives from Carlisle & Eden Mind, NHS Hepatology, Cumbria Health, Hep C Trust, Citizen’s Advice, Twentee-Total, Riverside, Safety Net and Travel Actively.

Chloe Wallace, Healthwatch Cumberland senior engagement officer shared: "I feel strongly about having these vital services, working together and being represented in a public arena. It’s vital for supporting these local organisations to help change the stigma around accessing support.

"The stigma connected with addiction and recovery is still prevalent today and will only get worse if we don’t talk about it; if we don’t share experiences and if we don’t challenge the stereotype. This is not just recovery and addiction services, but the wider health and social care provision from housing, mental health to health care. Understanding the person behind the addiction.

"My hope is that those who are hard-to-reach, who would never access services, may see the stalls and feel welcomed to come and find out more. I believe that there is no such thing as a lost cause.

"I am really excited to be a part of bringing together such vital organisations and hearing more stories from people in our community."