A LIBERAL Democrat Cumberland councillor has said it is ‘disappointing’ that the King’s Speech didn’t include more on how the incoming Labour government would help the NHS.

Labour set out their legislative agenda in the King’s Speech on Wednesday with key policy initiatives on devolution, transport and the economy.

Liberal Democrat councillor, Tim Pickstone, said he would have liked to have seen more on the NHS.

“Liberal Democrats have been campaigning hard on the NHS and care, so it is disappointing not to see more on this in the King's Speech,” said Cllr Pickstone.

"Time and again we here of people waiting hours for an ambulance, weeks for a GP appointment and months to start vital cancer treatment.

“That is why the Liberal Democrats wanted to see the NHS and care put at the heart of the King’s Speech, enshrining in law the right to get a GP appointment in good time and guaranteeing the timetable for cancer treatment.

"Patients simply cannot wait any longer."