COUNCILLORS have approved plans for 20 self-build plots for a site in Corby Hill near Carlisle, despite local objections.

The decision was taken at a meeting of Cumberland Council's planning committee at the Copeland Centre in Whitehaven on Wednesday (July 17).

The application was for a site on land at Cardunneth, in Langley Gardens, and it was for outline planning permission with exact details to be decided at a later date.

Local resident Ruth Atkinson spoke against the application and said it was overdevelopment which was outside the local village plan.

She also highlighted flooding issues in the area as well as traffic issues but said she would not oppose it if it was scaled down.

Ward councillor Roger Dobson (Corby and Hayton, Lib Dems) also spoke against the proposal but said he did not oppose houses being built at the site because it would repurpose a derelict property.

He said: "There are legitimate concerns about the density of houses. This may not be high by general standards, but it is significantly higher than the adjacent residential development in Langley Gardens immediately to the west and to the east of Peacock Lonning and south on the other side of the road."

He also highlighted concerns over the loss of a layby which he said was well used particularly by users of the Corby Hill Medical Practice.

Cllr Dobson said: "It may be that the committee felt that during the site visit the apparent popularity of the layby was unrepresentative of normal usage.

"However, please consider the other evidence. Up to eight medical employees must park near to the surgery on a daily basis. And there are several daily deliveries of medical supplies to the surgery."

Keith Hill, the landowner, said, as a self-build site, it was not a conventional market housing scheme and it would help with an "un-met demand" for houses in the Carlisle area. He added: "We believe this project will bring a positive contribution to the community."

When the matter was put to the vote the majority agreed with the officer's recommendation that it be approved subject to conditions with one voting against it and one abstention.