A Carlisle pre-school has bid goodbye to one of its founders following 33 years of volunteer work.

Jane Rickerby was a former governor at Ivegill Nursery and also served as chairman when it was set up a charity. 

Despite a risk of closing down in its earlier years, the nursery has been a popular learning spot for Carlisle's kids since 1991 and was recently recognised by Ofsted as an outstanding provision

On Wednesday July 17, the nursery held a party to mark that achievement, whilst also honouring all the hard work put in by Jane in the past three decades. 

Jane said: "I have been very fortunate to have been associated with Ivegill Nursery for 33 years. The idea was conceived originally, in 1991, by the governors of Ivegill School, of which I was one, when there were only about 20 pupils in the school and there was a real threat of closure.

"33 years ago when we opened we had raised £3000 and had six children on roll. We had one member of staff, the assistants were volunteer parents and people from the local community. We charged £1.50 an hour and lunch was 85p. By the end of the first year there were 21 on roll and since then it has gone from strength to strength receiving an Outstanding grading from Ofsted this year.

"Over the years highlights have always been visits to the nursery and talking to the children and seeing them grow and develop while having fun. At the children’s leaving party yesterday I was surprised with thank you gifts from the staff which was very touching. I was also delighted to meet a little boy who was our second generation, as his mother and aunt had both attended the nursery in its early days!

"I will be leaving the Trustees but the Nursery is in very good hands with the ‘outstanding’ staff and trustees. I wish them all the very best for the future."

Jane was presented with flowers, an engraved vase and a handmade card with all the children's handprints on, as her leaving gifts.