Cumbrian writer and poet Katie Hale will discuss her new novel 'The Edge of Solitude' in Carlisle later this year.

'The Edge of Solitude' is Katie's second novel and is a tense eco-thriller featuring disgraced environmental activist Ivy Cunningham.

In order to rescue her reputation Ivy travels to the Antarctic as part of a billionaire philanthropists' project aiming to salvage the region.

As the journey progresses Ivy becomes increasingly suspicious of her fellow passengers and the project's motives...

This is a story of climate emergency and human fallibility, of the clash of ambition and principle, and of the choices we make when we know time is running out.

She can be seen at Cakes and Ale cafe on Thursday 12 September.

Tickets cost £18 with the book included or £6 just for entry. Both ticket prices include a free drink.