A popular convention is set to return to Carlisle next month for its biggest year yet with exciting new additions. 

Megacon is back at Richard Rose Central Academy on August 19 for its 15th year with an even better line-up of events, activities, and stalls for the city's comic, tv, and video games fans to sink their teeth into. 

There's something for everyone this year from a Bey Blade competition and a raffle to win a huge Vault Boy from Fallout to a cosplay competition and Target Wrestling. 

The podcast 100 Things We Learned from Film will also be recording their first live episode at the event on Shrek. 

Ali Metcalf, organiser of the event, said: "The thing with a convention like this is we've all been the person with a bit of a niche interest, whether it be an anime or a specific tv show or a specific game. People have always felt a bit on the outside if they like something that's not conventionally popular.

"There's no judgement and there's no negativity because we're all just there to have fun and indulge in all the stuff that we enjoy."

The event has always been popular with cosplayers - people who dress up as characters from a game, tv show, or comic - with many convention-goers going all out.

In previous years, people have dressed up as characters from DC and Marvel comics, Harry Potter, Doctor Who, Star Wars, Silent Hill, and more. 

Ali expects this year's popular media to influence the cosplay choices, she said: "I think we're going to have a lot of Fallout people because the tv show came out and was widely received, Borderlands because that movie is coming out and it has quite a unique art style.

"Star Wars because The Acolyte and The Mandalorian were massively popular. Maybe One Piece as well because they've just had the tv show."

Ahead of Megacon, cosplayers will be out on the streets of Carlisle on Saturday July 27 to bring a taste of the convention to the city centre.

You can find out more about the event on the Megacon Facebook page