PARENTS and residents are being invited to have their say on a proposed new 0-19 Healthy Child Programme for the Cumberland Council area.

Claire King, a consultant in public health at the council, gave a presentation on the scheme to members of the authority's health overview and scrutiny committee at the Copeland Centre in Whitehaven on Friday (July 19).

She told members that the current provider is North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust and the existing contract ends on March 31, 2025.

Ms King said she was preparing the new contract and consulting on the proposed new model. She added: "We've decided this time to go out to a competitive tender."

According to her report a public consultation is currently underway which will run until the end of August.

In addition, this month organisers will seek approval for permission to procure, with a final development of the draft service specification expected by the end of August, which will be put out to tender the following month.

It is expected that the tenders will be evaluated in October and for further information visit: 0-19 Healthy Child Programme in Cumberland - Cumberland Council - Citizen Space.