WE'RE highlighting the shortlisted pubs in our competition in the News & Star. Each of the establishments will be featured over the following issues.

The Wellington Inn has been nominated by News & Star readers as one of the ten finalists in its 'Best Pub 2024' award.

The pub, which is located in the village of Great Orton, is run by husband and wife Barrie and Kirsty Lomas, who initially took over the pub in 2013 before becoming outright owners in 2017. 

After being informed that The Wellington Inn has been nominated as a finalist in the News & Star's 'Best Pub 2024' award, Barrie was on hand to express his delight.

He said: "We're delighted, it is nice to get a bit of feedback.

"I am not a trophy chaser but the nice thing for us and for me is to read nice reviews. 

"It's also so nice to hear that all the hard work is appreciated. When we came in we wanted it to be a traditional village pub and we have pushed it to be that. 

"We want it to be somewhere where you feel like you have taken your slippers off at the door and we have got a big customer base that comes from all over."

Barrie also discussed what it is about The Wellington Inn which has made it such a local favourite, with the co-owner emphasising the pub's focus on tradition, friendly atmosphere, and community bond.

He said: "To some up the Welly, I would say that it is a truly traditional pub serving truly traditional meals and you know what you are getting, it is served on a plate not a slate.

"It is a community pub, everybody gets along, everyone talks to each other, and everybody involves everyone in the conversation even if it is the first time you have visited or you have been 100 times.

"If you remember the TV series Cheers, everybody knows the names, everybody knows the faces, and the conversations last from when someone leaves to when they return. 

"We always make it fun, it is not a serious place."