A NOTORIOUS Carlisle nuisance threatened to “batter” a city hotel manager who refused to let him use a toilet.

Andrew John Jason Bell, 47, racked up his 220th criminal offence on Saturday evening, just 48 hours after being released from custody.

Prosecutor Peter Bardsley gave magistrates details of Bell’s latest brush with the law.

Bell had been outside Carlisle’s Station Hotel, Court Square, at around 8-30pm on 20th July. 

“He was sitting on the front step, drinking,” said Mr Bardsley.

The manager alerted police that Bell was present. He was asked to move on and did so initially before returning to the hotel entrance at around 9-30pm.

“He asked through the intercom whether he could use the toilet. He was told ‘no, you are not allowed to come in’. He started shouting ‘do you think you are some sort of hard man?’.”

Bell had also stated: “I will batter you.” He further said: “I will keep pressing the alarm or I will wait until so, some answers the door.”

Mr Bardsley told the court: “He is then seen outside, putting his arms up as if inviting (the manager) to have a fight with him.”

The manager had later stated: “Throughout the incident I felt harassed, alarmed and in fear.” He was concerned Bell might carry out his threats if a guest opened the hotel door.

Bell was arrested and, when interviewed, made no comment to questions he was asked.

In court he admitted a Public Order Act offence and had last been in court during April.9. On that occasion he was jailed for threatening a bus driver and racially abusing a young man.

A district judge who passed sentenced told Bell on that occasion: “You don’t seem to learn any lessons.”

Kate Hunter, mitigation during today’s hearing, said homeless Bell had now secured hostel accommodation in the city. He had been released from custody last Thursday, slept rough that night but then been offered somewhere to live.

“That is an opportunity for Mr Bell to show the courts, police and public he can abide and be a good citizen,” said Ms Hunter, who described Bell having some mental health issues. “He asks for a chance to prove himself.”

Bell was fined £140 and also ordered to pay prosecution costs and a mandatory surcharge.